The Island Hoppers Precision Skipping Team is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the sport of jump rope in our local communities. We have been jumping rope competitively for nearly twenty-five years on Vancouver Island and are well known for providing enthusiastic and lively demonstrations at skill building camps, schools and local sporting and community events. Our competitive team enjoys participating in friendly competitions with other BC teams as well as more formally competing at the Provincial and National levels. The Island Hoppers Recreational Team is a fun-based chance for kids to learn more skills and prepare to try-out for the Competitive Team, or just to have fun and get some exercise. Our team consists of up to 40 members distributed between competitive and non-competitive jumpers. Our competitive jumpers practice 2-3 times per week and our non-competitive ones practice once per week on Monday evenings.
We welcome all skill levels and encourage those that are eager to join our competitive or non-competitive teams. We have a very committed group of coaches and parents who make our team incredibly successful.